With the school campus growing quickly, the need for energy supply and better security was becoming a concerning issue. With specified donor funding, additional solar panels were installed that now generate enough power to operate two office laptops and a printer. The upgrade has also provided better lighting throughout the campus grounds at night - lighting that is especially appreciated by overnighting students and staff.
Thanks to recent generous donations, work will begin on the construction of a large multipurpose roofed, open-air building on the school grounds. This will provide shade relief for children at recess, optional classroom space, and other occasional large gatherings. Stay tuned for project pictures... Update- Building up and awaiting cement floor!
Providing daily water for the needs of our school community of over 400 people has been a serious problem. Water is used for cooking school meals, cleaning classrooms, drinking, bathing, and washing clothes around the school borders. The water is also used for irrigation and watering animals. During the region's severe seasonal drought periods when the distant natural spring water was absent, the only source had been retrieving water from riverbed puddles.
The previous water supply came from spring water piped from a great distance. Many breaks would occur, and the people would be forced to get water from dry riverbed puddles. Thanks to generous donors, well drillers were hired to locate and construct 3 separate wells within the school property area. The people rejoice over this life-changing gift!
7-year-old Musau Ronny creates balls from banana fibers and polythene bags. He then enjoys using them to play games with his friends. Your donations help children like Ronny receive an education and inspire creativity and entrepreneurship.
Evidence suggests that physical activity and sports are instrumental in the overall healthy development of children. See how recent dedicated funds are making a difference. Check out those smiles on the U12 (under 12) boys soccer team wearing their first ever uniforms and shoes to represent King's Royals Sports Academy, the athletic branch of the school.
And here are the girls. They lost their first game due to the new sensation of playing soccer wearing shoes. They had never played soccer wearing shoes before!
The walk to and from home to school can be long and precarious for a number of students, and girls are especially vulnerable to harassment and attack. This issue was recently discussed among members of the school management committee, board members, parents and guardians. The academic performance and general well-being of these girls was being adversely affected, and everyone agreed that a solution was needed. Everyone donated what little that they had - iron sheeting, timber, poles, frames, and labor, and within two weeks, a girls' dorm was built on the school grounds. Currently, there are 27 girls staying there during the school week, and amazingly, the entire school environment has changed for the better. The girls' academic performance improved, and they actively participate in evening studies and Sunday church services on campus. What a beautiful example of the community seeing a dire need and responding in such an immediate and sacrificial way! Your donations will help provide ongoing support for basic food and supplies for the girls.
Edith has seen her share of hardship in her 15 years. The second child born to a struggling mother and violent, alcoholic father, Edith's mother left her husband and remarried another man. The new husband was father to other children by two other women. Now with additional children added to the household, there is much competition for survival and education needs. Today, Edith is happy and feels cared for as she has been welcomed to our school. She is a gifted and talented student in the Primary 7 class and has qualified to take the National Exams in November. Edith is also an amazing athlete, competing in regional and national running events. Edith aspires to be a teacher someday and dreams of being a world champion athlete. She loves to read her Bible and sing in addition to running. By supporting the Primary 7 class, you'll be helping Edith attain success.