God Has – God Does – and God Will

Godwill Ministries is a fundraising ministry serving families in need, both locally and abroad. It's a ministry that the Lord has used to help people who are less fortunate or are having struggles in this world. We all need a hand from time to time, and God knows that.  He loves each one of us and desires that we love and serve one another. Our Godwill approach is to love people by providing a "hand up" whenever possible.

Godwill Ministries began in 2011, initially as a means to raise funding for medical mission trips to Uganda. These groups would take life-changing supplies, as well as the eternal life-changing message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. God has been developing this ministry ever since. He brings the awareness of needs, and then provides us the resources to meet those needs. We just keep our eyes up, our hands held open loosely, and spread the word about the needs. We pray, He directs, and lives are changed. God is the Waymaker when there seems to be no way. This is His ministry, and we continue to be amazed and grateful for how beautifully He works.

Godwill provides support for many families and individuals locally and abroad. On the local level, we've helped with temporary rent payments, groceries for the homeless, summer camp fees for youth, and educational expenses for women fleeing abusive home lives. Missionaries have received financial help, and drought-stricken communities in Thailand and Uganda have thankfully received necessary funds to buy life-sustaining food. Our Godwill Ministries presence in Kapchorwa, Uganda has recently become a major focus of our work, where we have witnessed God raising up a vibrant school from nothing, where children are learning and thriving from donor subsidized tuitions. Our help in the provision of a sunflower seed oil processing machine helps generate additional funds for school expenses through the sale of sunflower oil. We have purchased land, food producing animals, shelters and fencing, and in 2023 we rejoiced in the installation of 3 wells to provide the community with a stable water source.

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Our special ministry to approximately 30 widows in the school community has repaired dilapidated homes that provide shelter to many of the school children. Occasionally, emergency food relief is required before the harvest season begins, and families line up to receive bags of posho for temporary sustenance. One of the most rewarding outcomes is when we hear about people giving their lives to the Lord. Many of our widows were Muslim but have now fallen in love with Jesus. In His Name, Godwill blessed each dear woman with a female goat, which before long led to a whole herd of goats! The widows then each received 2 chickens and a rooster, a chicken coop and feed. There are now many chickens, and families are being nourished with the protein from the eggs and meat. The people are witnessing the love of the Father and the power of prayer. Neighbors are talking and helping each other, and the community is getting strong together. Many now gather on Sundays at the new church that has been birthed, and which meets in two of the recently built classrooms.

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God has given us amazing wealth in America. In fact, 99% of us are well over the ‘poverty line. It seems like a pretty wonderful thing to spill it over to change the lives of those less fortunate.

Our Team

A team dedicated to serving those in need around the world through spiritual and economic development.




A Jesus girl devoted to following His leading and dedicated to serving the least of these in His Kingdom.




A Lord loving, compassionate and caring steward of all things financial in the ministry.




A mighty prayer warrior and champion of God's people, with a gift of organization and details.



Board Member

A grace-filled scribe, teacher, and tailor, who emanates the spirit of hospitality to everyone she encounters.



Sponsorship and Website Administrator

A manager and organizer of sponsorship data and communications - only by God's grace and equipping.



Sponsorship Liaison

Our beloved Ugandan sister, current on-site photographer and office organizer.